Deep in the heart of Africa in a country called Cameroon sits Lake Nyos.
While is seems quiet and pretty- it holds a scary mystery.
Lake Nyos has the ability to EXPLODE from time to time!
Lake Nyos - look harmless but has the ability to explode!
Invisible from the surface, this deep lake has a carrot shaped hole at the
From the hole pumps volcanic gas (carbon dioxide CO2) into the
cold bottom lake water.
At the bottom of the lake the pressure is very high so instead of the gas
bubbling up to the surface , like sugar, it dissolves in the lake water.
The cold deep lake water forms a layer of super scary gas-filled
water at the bottom of the lake.
image shows layers of super scary gas-filled water at the bottom of
the lake.
The lake sits there quietly its bottom filling more and more with gas and
becoming more and more dangerous.
All that is needed to set of a gas explosion is for something to cause the
bottom layer to mix with the water layers above....
and BOOM!
Like opening a hot can of soft drink suddenly ALL THE GAS INSIDE IS
Nobody knows what started the last explosion - an earthquake? a
Suddenly the waters mixed!
Lake Nyos exploded in 1986, releasing over 80 million m3 of
carbon dioxide gas (CO2) IN JUST 20 SECONDS
Since that time the exploding lake has filled with gas again.
Scientists have tried to release by putting a pipe down into the lake's
Released gas produces a gas power fountain that leaps 100m into the air
(see image below...)
gas from the lake's depths goes up a pipe and shoots 100m in the air
But do not think Lake Nyos is finished. Even with the pipe the gas levels
continue to rise again!
There are three exploding lakes in Africa and three suspected of having
exploded in the past in Europe.
These kinds rare explosions are called Limnic eruptions