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Exploding Lakes -limnic eruptions

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Exploding Lakes - limnic eruptions

Lake Kivu
Lake Kivu -  holds the potential form catastrophic explosion

Basic Ingredients for an Exploding Lake
Examples and Variants of Explosive Lakes
How to Reduce the Risk of Limnic Explosion
Methane extraction from Lake Kivu
see also the potential explosive de-gassing of methane hydrates...


Basic Ingredients for an Exploding Lake

Carbon dioxide CO2  is a natural by-product of geologic processes. Limnic lakes are capable of explosively producing large volumes of carbon dioxide CO2
Since the gas is heavier than air, it will accumulate in depressions and low lying areas causing asfixiation and death.CO2 poisonings have occurred in nature. Since Roman times, vented carbon dioxide in volcanic central Italy occasionally has killed animals or people who have wandered into topographic depressions where the heavier than air gas pools. At Yellowstone National Park, grizzly bears have met the same fate in a ravine known as Death Gulch.

limnic conditions
suggested conditions for limnic eruptions
water strafification in Lake Kivu
Water stratification and methane concentrations in Lake Kivu

Examples and Variants of Explosive Lakes

How to Reduce the Risk of Limnic Explosion
The researchers considered various measures such as...
de-gassing the lake
de-gassing the lake by running pipes to the saturated layer - 1. by pumping 2. by natural pressure release
fountains produced by de-gassing
Fountains produced by de-gassing - Gas rises on its own as pressure is reduced
Of course the de-gassing is an on-going process, as new gas is continuously vented into the lake from below.
For Lake Nyos de-gassing is proving to be insufficient: carbon dioxide is still building up in the lake faster than the pipes can release it.

Methane extraction from Lake Kivu
Lake Kivu due to the rotting of vast amount of vegetation has significant and economic levels of methane CH4 in it's stratification layers that are driven not only by dissolved gas but also by dissolved salt HCl.
 Extracting gas is essential to avert a future limnic eruption. Undisturbed, the reservoir formed by salinity-based chemoclines, keeps biogenic CH4 and CO₂ in solution. This is stored in lower salty chemocline layer deep in the lake. Gases, ever accumulating closer to saturation levels, threaten to cause a future limnic eruption much bigger than experienced before - Lake Kivu has potential and inventory for consequences 1000 times larger,The key to safety is management of the chemoclines while producing payable gas. to cover the cost of making the lake safe.

Lake Kivu - methane extraction rig
Rwanda makes a small profit from the methane , raw methane gas is extracted by washing with water to make the gas fit for use in power-generation and domestic gas. However the remaining toxic gases CO2 and H2S are left behind. The challenge lies in how to minimise the negative toxic effects of H₂S, from CO₂-induced acidity, and oxygen depletion by CH4 and H₂S.
Natural upwelling of saline meteoric water from lava strata into the deep nutrient-rich water bodies must be avoided as it has the potential to initiate a limnic explosive chain event.
The extracted cold  "deep water "may present additional hazards. The process might set off a new explosion by spurting cold, dense bottom water onto the surface of the lake; the water would sink and create turbulence below.
This facility won’t, however, have a significant mitigating effect on the Lake Kivu's hazards.
The extraction rig is small and the lake’s carbon dioxide is another matter entirely—it’s essentially unaffected by this gas extraction scheme.
It is yet unknown how these changes in the chemical balance will affect Lake Kivu in the future.
