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at Earth Science Australia

About Earth Science Australia...
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Creative Commons Terms and Conditions
Copyright Conditions
Contact Earth Science Australia

Earth science related entities are a major source of export income, provide many jobs and will continue to do so into the future.
This website aims to inform people with and interest in earth science through imagery and with a minimum of specialist jargon.

About Earth Science Australia...

Earth Science Australia - Sponsorship

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Creative Commons Terms and Conditions

Earth Science Australia - Creative Commons Licence

Creative Commons License
Earth Science Australia by Paul Michna where no other author is indicated is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Copyright Conditions at Earth Science Australia

Copyright Notice:

Permission is  granted for the  free use and copying of any material, freeware and educational resources from the web site if the three following conditions are met:
  1. they are being used for educational purposes (including self-education) and
  2. they are being presented or provided on a not-for profit basis and
  3. Earth Science Australia or the cited authors are acknowledged as the source
In all other situations materials, and educational resources are copyright of
Earth Science Australia or the authors cited and may not be used without the permission of
Earth Science Australia or the cited authors.

Contact Earth Science Australia

You may contact Earth Science Australia at:   email us at this address (Due to robots no live link - hand copy into your email program)

Earth Science Australia has some materials on-line which were generously provided by visitors to the site or collected by students from as early as 1992.
Please contact us if we have  mistakenly but in good faith used material without acknowledging the correct source.