Ocean Wave Styles and Patterns
Wind energy is transferred to surface waters by frictional processes to
generate surface ocean currents and waves.
Oceanic waves may be approximated mathematically by a sine wave, and
therefore exhibit a smooth, regular oscillation.
Wave Height
( H )
vertical distance between
any crest and succeeding trough
( L )
horizontal distance between
successive crests or troughs
Wave Period
( T )
time interval between
the passage of successive crests
Celerity (Wave Speed)
( C )
C = L / T
(or wavelength / period)
Wave oscillation is also described by frequency,
1/T (the number of waves passing a stationary point in a
given length of time)
- waves impart vertical, circular orbits to individual parcels of
water without any substantial net horizontal movement
- orbital diameter of water parcels at the surface approximately
equals the wave height
- vertical motion becomes negligible at depths greater than about
one-half the wavelength (i.e., L/2)
- motion in water depths exceeding L/2 (and therefore
unaffected by the ocean bottom) will produce deep water waves
- circular orbits of water parcels become flattened as a result of
bottom interference and form shallow water waves
The speed of shallow water waves is independent of wavelength or wave
and is controlled by the depth of water!! The speed of deep water waves is
independent of the depth
and is determined by wavelength and period!!
Deep water waves are therefore dispersive (i.e., wave speed is frequency
dependent) and
wave separation will occur according to celerity, length, and period in
the 'open' ocean!!
Any complicated ocean wave surface can therefore be constructed
by a combination of simple sine waves of different height, period, and
- interaction of multiple wave forms results in wave interference
(i.e., the merging and/or separation of numerous waves)
- constructive wave interference results from the coincidence of
several wave crests or troughs
- coincidence of individual crests and troughs results in destructive
wave interference
- growth of wind-generated surface waves is controlled by the velocity
of the wind, wind duration, and fetch
- the height of surface waves increases with increasing wind speed and
with increasing duration and fetch of the wind
- together with height, the dominant wavelength also increases
- surface tension or capillary waves (L < 2 cm) are the
direct products of the wind stress exerted on the sea surface
- tend to 'feed' wind energy into larger gravity waves (waves of
characteristically longer wavelengths)
Capillary waves formed on the surface of the ocean. Waves eventually
attain a maximum significant height, or fully developed seas!!
Maximum wave height is determined by the point at which the energy
imparted to the waves
by the wind is equal to the energy lost by the waves through breaking or
other frictional loss!!
Whitecap formation typical of fully developed seas.
Formation of open ocean swells
- considerable wave energy is lost through white capping
- theoretical limit of wave stability approximated by a wave
height to wavelength ratio of 1/7
- if the ratio is exceeded, the wave crest will be driven forward
by the wind more rapidly than the wave itself
- after the wind has abated or shifted (or the waves have migrated
away from the dominant wind field) the energy will continue to
propagate as swell (characteristically smooth, long-crested, longer
period waves)
- lose energy only gradually, via internal friction and air resistance
and by energy dissipation through 'fanning out'
Most wind-generated waves eventually reach shorelines and dissipate any
remaining energy.
- shoreline contact results in shallow water wave transformations,
wave refraction, and collapse as shore breakers
- wave induced motion is most greatly affected by the presence of
ocean bottom where the depth is less than L/20
- speed of wave propagation and wavelength decrease, but the wave
period remains unchanged
- wave height eventually exceeds wavelength
- results in the eventual collapse of the wave and formation of
- direction of wave approach also changes as waves enter shallow water
- known as wave refraction
- wave crests rotate to become parallel to the bottom depth
contours (i.e., refract toward shallow water)
- results from the variable celerity of different parts of the
same wave crest traveling shoreward
- large waves caused by the sudden displacement of ocean water (often
resulting from earthquakes or volcanic eruptions)
- characterized by very long periods and therefore behave like shallow
water waves
- deep water wave formation occurs in water depths greater than
- tsunami wavelengths typically exceed 100 km (L/2 = 50 km) and
the ocean rarely exceeds 11 km depth
- imperceptible in the open ocean (typically less than one meter in
- tsunami speed (often more than 800 kph) is drastically reduced on
the continental shelf, and height increases dramatically
- oscillate vertically about a fixed point (or node) with no
progressive movement (e.g., seiches)
- typically form in response to the 'rocking' of a water mass within a
confined space
- commonly form in large lakes as a response to intense storm
- winds 'pile' water at the downwind of the lake, and when the
wind stress is removed, the water returns 'downslope'
- can also be generated in partially enclosed basins, such as bays,
harbors, and estuaries
- energy travels along internal 'surfaces' (e.g., density
discontinuities or pycnoclines) as wave pulses
- subsurface manifestations is simply a regular rising and sinking of
water layers, identified as internal waves
- travel at much slower speeds than surface waves, but
characteristically exhibit large periods and wavelengths
- have wave heights on the order of several meters, but larger
internal waves can attain heights in excess of 100 meters
- cause of internal waves is poorly understood - may be attributed to
tidal forces or wind and pressure fluctuations