Bedding and contacts parallel. No physical evidence for erosion or
deformation. Beds deposited from the bottom up according to the Law of
Superposition of Strata. The beds were probably laid down during spurts of
deposition followed by intervals when nothing happened -- no sign of
disturbance, uplift, or erosion.
Bedding is parallel on both sides of the contact but evidence shows a
break (erosion, uplift) has occurred.In this sketch the break is evident
in the erosional relief at the contact and by the clasts of older rocks in
the younger strata. In some cases the surface is flat and there are no
clasts but there could be subtle signs that weathering has occurred. Some
passage of time is needed for the uplift and erosion. Additional time may
be represented by any rocks that were once present but removed by the
Steps in the Formation of a
Step #1
Deposit a series of conformable beds. Following the Law of SUPERPOSITION
OF STRATA the layer on the bottom was deposited first and the sequence was
deposited from the bottom up. Each different pattern represents a
different kind of sedimentary rock -- except for the fact that the rocks
were deposited underwater, we don't need to bother with the rock names for
this exercise.
In this step the beds are uplifted. Erosion occurs at the top of the
picture. Material is removed from the top down and carried away from the
picture area. Uplift keeps lifting the pile into the erosion zone. Count
the beds in picture #2 and compare with picture #1. Note that several of
the younger beds have been lost. The erosion surface is shown in dark
brown, In picture #2 this surface is irregular and shows hills and stream
valleys in cross section. Such irregularity is common but there are cases
where erosion has produced a flat surface. Soil often develops below the
erosion surface and some features of the soil may be preserved in the rock
record -- leaving clues by which geologists can recognize old erosion
Step #3
In STEP #3 deposition resumes. Maybe the water rose or maybe the
land dropped -- you can't tell which from what is shown in these pictures.
New sediments shown in red at the top of the picture bury the old erosion
surface and the strata below it. The valleys are filled first and may
contain clasts (the red spots) of the older rocks. Soon even the hills are
under water and the deposits are flatlying.
The Disconformity shows physical signs that uplift and erosion has
occurred but bedding is parallel on both sides of the contact.
Angular unconformity
Bedding below the contact is NOT parallel to bedding above the contact.
This indicates that deformation of the older beds occurred before the
upper beds were deposited. In this sketch the deformation consists of
tilting and faulting. Either could occur by itself or the beds could be
folded. Examples from Grand Canyon U.S.A.
Point Imperial
Point Imperial is about the highest point on the North Rim of Grand
Canyon. This view looks to the east across a broad stretch of the
Precambrian Chuar Group. The unconformity below the Cambrian Tapeats
is traced in white.
The Chuar Group is divided from top to bottom into the Sixty Mile,
Kwagunt, and Galeros Formations. A small remnant of Sixty Mile Fm.
atop Nankoweap Butte is
marked in red. These beds dip about 15 degrees to the north and several
prominent beds can be seen angling up towards the unconformity.
The angular unconformity below the Tapeats is traced with a white line.
Below it are the Shinumo sandstone, Hakatai shale, and Bass limestone of
the Precambrian Unkar Group. You can see these dipping beds angling up to
the unconformity. The resistant Shinumo sandstone stood as an island in
the sea when the Tapeats was deposited. The red line marks a second, older
angular unconformity. The Vishnu schist and gneiss below this unconformity
were deposited as sediments almost 2,000,000,000 years ago. Eventually
these rocks found themselves deep in the roots of a mountain range and
were metamorposed to schist and gneiss. Millions of years were then needed
to erode the mountains and lift these rocks back to the surface.
Steps in the Formation of an
Angular Unconformity
The development of an unconformity is shown in the sketches below:
Deposit a series of conformable beds. Following the Law of SUPERPOSITION
OF STRATA the layer on the bottom was deposited first and the sequence was
deposited from the bottom up. Each different pattern represents a
different kind of sedimentary rock -- except for the fact that the rocks
were deposited underwater, we don't need to bother with the rock names for
this exercise.
STEP #2 .
In this step deposition stops and the beds are tilted and faulted. The
picture shown in the sketch doesn't let me tell whether the faulting
occurred before the tilting or vice versa.
In this step the faulted, tilted beds are uplifted. Erosion occurs at the
top of the picture. Material is removed from the top down and carried away
from the picture area. Uplift keeps lifting the pile into the erosion zone
at the earth's surface. Count the beds in picture #3 and compare with
picture #1. Note that several of the younger beds have been lost.
The erosion surface is shown in dark brown, In picture #3 this surface is
irregular and shows hills and stream valleys in cross section. Such
irregularity is common but there are cases where erosion has produced a
flat surface. Soil often develops below the erosion surface and some
features of the soil may be preserved in the rock record -- leaving clues
by which geologists can recognize old erosion surfaces.
The presence of erosion strongly implies that uplift occurred. It is
possible that the uplift began as early as Step #2 but you can't say for
certain from the evidence in these pictures.
In STEP #4 deposition resumes. Maybe the water rose or maybe the land
dropped -- you can't tell which from what is shown in these pictures. New
sediments shown in red at the top of the picture bury the old erosion
surface and the strata below it. The valleys are filled first and may
contain clasts (the red spots) of the older rocks. Soon even the hills are
under water and the deposits are flatlying.