Petrology textures - a microscopic guide to classic rock textures
Petrographic rock identification
Pegmatite - crystals over1cmTonalite
- hornblende, plagioclase clinopyroxene, biotite, and quartz. Notice
how the hornblende rims the small core of relict clinopyroxene in
the centerAnorthosite
- almost entirely of albitic plagioclase.Nepheline Syenite - plagioclase,
microcline and nephelineIgneous plutonic microtexture - Myrmekite
- wormy (rounded) intergrowths of quartz and K-feldspar in
plagioclase.Volcanic microtextures -
Amygdaloidial texture - hydrothermal alteration of vesicles in
scoria - open vesicle which has been filled with a secondary
mineral(s)Sandstone textureQuartzite textureCrenulation cleavages -
micaceous mineral differentiation that are coincident with the limbs
of microfolds Clastic sandstone
- micrographic quartz and K-feldspar (cuneiform shaped intergrowths) Gabbro - plagioclase and
hypersthene (orthopyroxene)Bronzitie - orthopyroxenite - almost all
hyperstheneIgneous macrotexture -
Poikilitic (ophitic) textureVolcanic
microtexture - Komatiite - Spinifex Texture - "spinifex texture"
defined by extremely acicular olivine phenocrysts
Vitrophyre - phenocryst bearing obsidian
Sub-grains in quartz - formed during recrystallisation"Snowball"
garnet - showing crystal rotationLimestone
with shell
- phenocrysts of quartz, K-feldspar (sanidine), plagioclase, and
biotite in a fine-grained groundmassNorite
- a gabbro in which the pyroxene is principally orthopyroxene. Dunite -almost all olivine Igneous
plutonic microtexture - Perthite - plagioclase exsolution lamellae
in gray K-feldspar -form as an originally homogeneous feldspar
exsolves into two feldspars
Volcanic microtexture - Scoria with vesicles - highly-vesicular
"frothy") basalt - black, ovals features are vesiclesSericitic
alteration - feldspars have been largely replaced by fine-grained
white sericite micaSassuritization - weak alteration
of the plagioclase feldspar - the grain is also rimmed by fine
grained iron-oxyhydroxide precipitating from solution.