An example of a small fossil collection by Adam Cooper
This page contains pictures and descriptions of specimens from my fossil
Pictures are displayed in order of type and classification to Subclass
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Subclass.
Order, Family, Genus, Species, Subspecies are displayed, if known, in the
specimen description.
Preservational and Behavioural Classifications are used for Trace fossils.
I warn you now that palaeontology is not one of my strong points so please
do not take
the classifications on this page for granted.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Unknown
RefP1 Shark's Tooth. Age: Eocene. From Morocco
(this specimen was purchased from a craft fair, Wisbech) 1st July 1995
Sub-class Pteriomorphia
Phylum Mollusca
Class Bivalva
Subclass Pteriomorphia
RefP7 Gryphaea. Order: Pterioda. Family: Ostreidae.
Genus: gryphaea. Age: Jurassic
Environment/Mode of Life: Sea bed/free-lying. This specimen was
collected from
a gravel driveway in Cambridgeshire.
Sub-class Ammoniodea
Class Cephalapoda
Subclass Ammonoidea
RefP53 Ammonite. Order: Ammonitida. Family:
Dactylioceras. Genus: commune.
Age: Jurassic. Environment/Mode of Life: marine/necktonic.
This specimen was collected
from a cliff section, Peak to Blea Wyke nr Ravendscar, Yorkshire, UK on
17th June 1995
RefP56 Ammonite. Order: Ammonitida. Family:
Dactylioceras. Genus: commune.
Age: Jurassic. Environment/Mode of Life: marine/necktonic.
This specimen was collected
from a cliff section, Peak to Blea Wyke, nr. Ravenscar, Yorkshire, UK on
17th June 1995
Formerly RefP56 Ammonite. Order: Ammonitida. Age:
Jurassic. Environment/Mode of Life:
marine/necktonic. This specimen was collected from a cliff section,
Peak to Blea Wyke, nr.
Ravenscar, Yorkshire, UK on 17th June 1995
RefP11 Ammonite. Age: 50 Ma - Upper Jurassic. Environment/Mode
of Life: marine/free-swimmer
This specimen is a half of an Ammonite which has been sliced and polished
on the internal surface to
display the preserved internal structure. (Purchased in Dorset) 29th
March 1995
Sub-class Coleoidea
Subclass Coleoidea
RefP42 Belemnite. Environment/Mode of Life: marine/necktonic.
This specimen collected at
Speeton, Yorkshire on 14th June 1995
[no record] Belemnite. This is a good Belemnite specimen since the
main part is preserved rather
than just the guard. This specimen seems to have found it's way into
my collection without me having any
record of it, although the external appearance is not inconsistent with
fossils I have retrieved from gravel.
Class Trilobita
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Trilobita
Ref:P17 Trilobite. Genus: peranopsis Age: Lower Cambrian to
Upper Ordovician.
Environment/Mode of Life: marine/benthic (this specimen was purchased from
a craft fair, Wisbech).
The geographic origin of this specimen is unknown. 30th June 1995