Weathering and Soils

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Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge

Weathering and Soils

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Physical Weathering
Chemical Weathering
Types of Chemical Weathering Reactions
Weathering of Common Rocks
Weathering Rinds, Exfoliation, and Spheroidal Weathering
Factors that Influence Weathering
Soil Erosion

adapted to HTML from lecture notes of Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Tulane University

Weathering is the process that breaks rocks down to smaller fragments and alters minerals formed at higher temperature and pressure to those stable under conditions present near the Earth's surface.
Geologists recognize two categories of weathering processes
Although we separate these processes, as we will see, both work together to break down rocks and minerals to smaller fragments or to minerals more stable near the Earth's surface.

Physical Weathering

Physical weathering takes place by a variety of processes. Among them are:

Chemical Weathering

Since many rocks and minerals are formed under conditions present deep within the Earth, when they arrive near the surface as a result of uplift and erosion, they encounter conditions very different from those under which they originally formed. Among the conditions present near the Earth's surface that are different from those deep within the Earth are:

Because of these different conditions, minerals in rocks react with their new environment to produce new minerals that are stable under conditions near the surface. Minerals that are stable under P, T, H2O, and O2 conditions near the surface are, in order of most stable to least stable:
Note the minerals with *. These are igneous minerals that crystallize from a liquid. Note the minerals that occur low on this list, are the minerals that crystallize at high temperature from magma. The higher the temperature of crystallization, the less stable are these minerals at the low temperature found near the Earth's surface (see Bowen's reaction series).

The main agent responsible for chemical weathering reactions is water and weak acids formed in water
Carbonic acid is produced in rainwater by reaction of the water with carbon dioxide (CO2) gas in the atmosphere.


Types of Chemical Weathering Reactions


Weathering of Common Rocks

Rock Primary Minerals Residual Minerals* Leached Ions
Granite Feldspars Clay Minerals Na+, K+
Micas Clay Minerals K+
Quartz Quartz ---
Fe-Mg Minerals Clay Minerals + Hematite + Goethite Mg+2
Basalt Feldspars Clay Minerals Na+, Ca+2
Fe-Mg Minerals Clay Minerals Mg+2
Magnetite Hematite, Goethite ---
Limestone Calcite None Ca+2, CO3-2

*Residual Minerals = Minerals stable at the Earth's surface and left in the rock after weathering.

Weathering Rinds, Exfoliation, and Spheroidal Weathering

When rock weathers, it usually does so by working inward from a surface that is exposed to the weathering process. This may result in:

Factors that Influence Weathering



Soils are an important natural resource. They represent the interface between the lithosphere and the biosphere - as soils provide nutrients for plants. Soils consist of weathered rock plus organic material that comes from decaying plants and animals. The same factors that control weathering control soil formation with the exception, that soils also requires the input of organic material as some form of Carbon.
When a soil develops on a rock, a soil profile develops as shown below. These different layers are not the same as beds formed by sedimentation, instead each of the horizons forms and grows in place by weathering and the addition of organic material from decaying plants and plant roots.

Soil Erosion

In most climates it takes between 80 and 400 years to form about one centimeter of topsoil (an organic and nutrient rich soil suitable for agriculture). Thus soil that is eroded by poor farming practices is essentially lost and cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time. This could become a critical factor in controlling world population.