**Caution this page may contain images of persons now deceased**

The Atherton Tableland and the coastal region inland from Cairns was first
opened for white settlement about 1880, and after 1890 began to carry a
large settled white population engaged in dairy-and-general-farming on the
plateau, and sugar-cane farming on the coast. Although large areas remain
of uncleared, rough mountain terrain, in large measure the natives have
been led to abandon their nomadic habits and their dependence on hunting.
Many of them have been compulsorily segregated on mission and government
settlements at Yarrabah, Monamona and Palm Island.
Tindale and Birdsell (1942) p.1
Aboriginal Protection and Restrictions of the Sale of Opium Act 1897
(link to .pdf)
From J.Cochran "One House in Malanda" 1993 p21
"Despite an attempt in 1920 by local white residents of Malanda to have
1897 Act amended to
allow their Bama to remain in the district, the Aboriginals Department
ignored their request.
Tom English as a school-boy in 1928 at Malanda, remembered two big
policemen with big sticks taking Ngadjanji to the railway station,
'[t]he rest of the tribe would stand
by the station waiting and crying as the train left.
When the policemen started removing people, there were 200 Aborigines
living in the scrub [rainforest];
when they were finished , there were finished only 12 were left...{and
they} had to sign on at the police station'
In the Eacham Weekly News 20 & 29 January 1985 Tom English recorded...
"There were terrifying scenes to witness -
about 30 of their near relatives would be milling about trying to rescue
their next of kin
- these people would be weeping; wailing; screaming and pleading,
all to no avail. Living next door to a large aboriginal population (editor
note: next to Malanda Falls site of the English family's "Jungle"
aboriginal show in the 1930's)
I was chosen to read aloud the first letters that came from Palm Island
(editor note: many Ngadjon had been sent to Palm Island -
simply exiled together with aboriginals of several different areas and
languages ) so they all got the news.
I could then write replies... Each letter I read out would name 3 or 4
people who died - Jacky died - Polly died - Fanny died - Jimmy died -
the letters arrived almost weekly.
Each letter pleaded to be rescued - they hated Palm Island."
As the people were forced to retreat to the inaccessible areas they lost
the use of their full range of habitats. A local Police Commissioner was
to report in 1879 that 'the natives (were) literally starving'. This
deprivation no doubt precipitated the desperate actions that by all
accounts led to a frontier warfare situation in many districts. Sparse as
European settlement was, speakers of Dyirbal were not treated kindly.
Tribes were probably reduced to less than 20% of their pre-contact numbers
within 20 years. European diseases to which the aborigines had no
immunity, such as measles and influenza, were responsible for many deaths,
but the major factor in decline in number was wholesale murder by the
Dixon (1972) p.35
"I was working near the 'Stables' in the scrub at Evelyn. Two policemen
came out to me where I was working. They were concerned about the
Aborigines. They had been to the big camp at Cressbrook at Evelyn, but had
found no one there. The Sergeant asked me to guide them to where the
Aborigines camped up in the scrub. This I did. But when we arrived we saw
that the whole camp had died, forty of fifty of them, all dead from the
Spanish flu."
Les Harrison quoted in Toohey (1990) p18
Ngadjonji elders say their tribe was decimated in numbers by miners and
the Native Mounted Police Force before the turn of the century. The Native
Mounted Police Force has been described by historian H. Reynolds as "the
most violent organisation in Australian History." The Weekend Australian
11-12 March 1989 .
That such decimation occurred can be attested by the statement of William
Day, a young Englishman of some education who was a collector of natural
specimens for the Australian Museum and lived on the Russell River mining
field (Boonji/Topaz) in 1891.
In June 1891, he sent Ramsay (Curator Aust. Museum) "two skulls of Bungee
(Russell River) blacks....the last of their tribe as they all got shot,'
and wished to know: "What is a perfect skeleton worth of a Russell River
black?" Day also tried to meet a request for more specimen skulls, even
though, as he informed Ramsay in November 1891, getting them was proving
extremely hazardous; 'I do not know when I can get you more black curios
as the blacks killed a miner and all are on the war path or whatever you
call it in Australia." ( See
for a Ngadjonji story of these events)
Loos (1992) p5
...it was the rainforest of the Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands that proved
most important in the history of Aborigine-European relations in North
Queensland. From 1884 to 1888, conflict became intense and the settlers'
losses of animals and crops were unbearable. Aboriginal resistance in the
rainforest found Queensland frontier policy wanting. In desperation, the
selectors near Atherton urged the government to try to conciliate the
rainforest Aborigines. In early 1889, a police constable with Aboriginal
interpreters, after two months' efforts, made contact with the resisting
rainforest Aborigines. He got them to agree to a truce; the Europeans
would stop attacking the Aborigines and would supply them with food if the
Aborigines ceased to attack.
Loos (1993) p17
Up to 1897, the Queensland Government's policy had been dispossession of
Aborigines of their land by force. From 1897 the policy of protection by
segregation was adopted.
Loos, (1993) p.29
The Ngadjonji elders thought this may be a band of Ngadjonji and Mamu in
one of their camps c. 1921.
Under the provisions of the 1897
of the Sale of Opium and Protection of Aboriginals Act' and subsequent
Acts operative until 1971, aborigines could be committed to a
reserve and detained there against their will, husbands could be separated
from wives and children from mothers.
The 1901 Amendment Act gave the Protector of Aborigines the power to
control the wages and property of Aborigines and half-castes placed under
the control of the Act..... In March 1904, a regulation required that all
except threepence or sixpence of the weekly wages of female Aborigines and
half-castes be paid to a Protector, normally a police officer. The
remainder was to be banked and held in trust for the Aborigines. In 1919,
it was ruled that 75% of a single man's wage, and 30-50%of a married man's
wage, and 80% of the wages of a boy under 18 had to be paid to the
Protector. Aboriginal workers had to apply to the Protector if they wanted
to use their own money.
Loos (1992) p26
If one wanted to get an Aboriginal or his wife to work for him, he simply
went to the local police with an Aboriginal of his choice who was willing
to work for him, signed him up to work for an agreed wage for an agreed
period, and thereafter paid the wage, which was very low, to the police
monthly, they were supposed to bank it for the worker, and dole out pocket
money occasionally.......
They were terrified of being sent to mission stations, and for some reason
(sic) Palm Island was regarded as the ultimate hell.
Short (1988) p.63
By the turn of the century some Ngadjonji men were employed on the land,
felling the timber and clearing the forest for pastures and farming,
fencing and working with stock. Ngadjonji women were often employed by a
family to help with domestic chores and the milking. In the 1920's and
30's and again in the 1950's and 60's a tourist display was held in the
Malanda Jungle, exhibiting the local skill of tree climbing and some
cultural traditions.
(Photograph courtesy of Eacham Historical Society) Ngadjonji Tom Mitchell
and Tom Fuller with other timbercutters c. 1920.
During this century up until the 1950's, Ngadjonji people were sent
compulsorily to missions at Yarrabah (Cairns), Monamona (near Kuranda),
Palm Island (off Townsville) and Woorabinda (Rockhampton). The World
Council of Churches admitted in 1980 that although the missions protected
some aboriginals from further murderous reprisals they had also largely
destroyed the culture, by discouraging language, tribal tradition and, in
some instances, family ties.
Less than a handful of families stayed in the Malanda area and some people
who were sent away came back here. There are few surviving speakers of
For the past thirty odd years members of the tribe, and in particular the
late Mrs Molly Raymont, have worked with various academics to record some
of the tribe's enormous knowledge of the forest and some of their
language. In 1997 the Malanda Aboriginal Reserve was presented to the
Ngadjonji by the Queensland Government.
(**webmaster note: the original website had about 80 Ngadjon words,
a glossary was added to the site in 2014 currently over 180 words plus
origins / uses and scientific names when species can be
identified **)

late Molly Raymont



Henry Robinson , Ernie Raymont , Margie Raymont and the late Molly Raymont
- Some of the past and present custodians of the tribe's history and
source :
Australia Insitiute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
note all. pdf links in this section go to an external website at
Industrial and Reformatory Schools Act 1865
Established and regulated industrial and reformatory schools for
children under 15 who were 'neglected' or convicted of an offence.
Missions were registered as industrial or reformatory schools. A
constable may arrest without a warrant any child he considers to be
neglected. A court composed of two or more Justices may order a child
found to be neglected to be removed from his/her mother and placed in an
industrial or reformatory school. Amended by Industrial and Reformatory
Schools Amendment Act 1906 - removes reference to Aboriginal children
and extends age of child to 17 years. Repealed by State Children Act
Orphanages Act 1879
A destitute child may be removed to an orphanage declared under this
Act. Repealed by State Children Act 1911.
Guardianship and Custody of Infants Act 1891
Where a parent has abandoned or deserted an infant or 'allowed his
infant to be brought up by any other person ... as to satisfy the court
that the parent was unmindful of his parental duties', the court shall
not make an order for the delivery of the infant to the parent unless
the parent has satisfied the court 'he is a fit person to have custody'.
Repealed by Children's Services Act 1965.
Children's Protection Act 1896
Applies to boys under 14 and girls under 16. An offence to 'ill treat,
neglect, abandon or expose a child' in a 'manner likely to cause such
child unnecessary suffering or injury to its health'. Court can deal
with a child found to be ill treated, neglected, abandoned or exposed as
the 'circumstances may admit and require'. Repealed by the
Children's Services Act 1965.
Aboriginal Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897
For the 'better protection and care of the aboriginal and half-caste
inhabitants of the colony' and 'for restricting the sale and
distribution of opium'. Established positions of regional Protectors and
later Chief Protector. Repealed by Aboriginal Preservation and
Protection Act 1939.
Infant Life Protection Act 1905
Any person wishing to adopt a child under the age of 10 may make
application to the Director of the State Children Department for
permission. The Director must obtain consent in writing of parent,
parents or guardian. Repealed by State Children Act 1911.
State Children Act 1911
Replaced the 1865 Act. The Director of State Children Department is the
guardian of all State children. The Director may place a State child in
a receiving depot; detain him/her in an institution registered under
this Act; transfer him/her from one institution to another; place out or
apprentice him/her; or place him/her in the custody of some suitable
person. This action may be taken without reference to parents or
relatives of the child. Amended by State Children Act 1917 - a court may
release a child on probation. Repealed by Children's Services Act
Protection of Aboriginals and Restriction of the Sale of Opium
Amendment Act 1934
Extended the provisions of the 1897 Act and the powers of the Chief
Protector. Every Aboriginal and 'half-caste' child who is an inmate of
an institution registered under the State Children Act 1911 shall be
under the control and supervision of the Protector'. 'The Minister may
from time to time cause any aboriginal or half-caste ... to be removed
to any reserve, institution, or district and kept there, or to be
removed from any reserve, institution, or district to any other reserve
institution or district, and kept there'. This does not apply to any
'aboriginal or half-caste who is lawfully married to and residing with
any person who is not an aboriginal or half caste or otherwise subject
to this Act'; or 'a half-caste child living with and supported by a
parent of such child who is not subject to this Act'. A 'half-caste' may
be exempted from the provisions of this Act (revokable). If the Minister
is of the opinion that any 'aboriginal' or 'half-caste' is
uncontrollable he may order the 'aboriginal' or 'half-caste' to be kept
in an institution. 'Any such order is sufficient authority for the Chief
Protector, or any Protector, or any person acting under the authority of
the Chief Protector or of a Protector, or any officer of police to
arrest such aboriginal or half-caste and remove to an institution'. Any
'aboriginal or half caste' who is convicted of an offence against the
1897 Act or this Act may be detained in an institution. Repealed by
Aboriginal Preservation and Protection Act 1939.
Adoption of Children Act 1935
Provides for adoption of 'infants' under 21. The Director of the State
Children Department is responsible for making an adoption order.
Director may dispense with the consent of the child's parents or
guardian if satisfied that a parent or guardian has 'abandoned or
deserted the infant or cannot be found or is incapable of giving
consent; has persistently neglected to contribute to support; or is a
person whose consent ought, in the opinion of the Director and in all
the circumstances of the case, to be dispensed with'. Repealed by
Adoption of Children Act 1964.
Aboriginals Preservation and Protection Act 1939
Director of Native Affairs is the 'legal guardian of every aboriginal
child under 21'. Director may 'execute agreements between or on the part
of aboriginals in the State for the legal custody of aboriginal children
by aboriginals or other persons who in his opinion are suitable persons
to be given legal custody of such children'. Director may cause any
'aboriginals' who are camped near a town to 'remove their camp to such
other place as he may direct'. Director may cause any 'aboriginals' to
be 'removed from any district to a reserve and kept there for such time
as may be ordered' or to be removed from one reserve to another. This
power does not apply to 'a half-blood child living with and supported by
a parent of such child who is not subject to this Act'. Regulations made
be made for the 'care, custody and education of the children of
aboriginals' and prescribing the conditions on which 'aboriginal'
children may be apprenticed or placed in service. Repealed by
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 1965.
Adoption of Children Act 1964
The Supreme Court is responsible for making an order for adoption. The
welfare and interests of the child are the paramount consideration in
making an order for adoption. Grounds for dispensing with consent
similar to those in 1935 Act and include 'special circumstances by
reason of which the consent may properly be dispensed with'. Amended by
Adoption of Children Act 1983 - to dispense with consent the court must
also be satisfied that the welfare and interests of the child will be
promoted if the order is made.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Act 1965
Established position of Director of Aboriginal and Island Affairs in
place of Director of Native Welfare. Director is no longer the legal
guardian of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Director may
order an assisted Aborigine or Islander who is not residing on a reserve
'to be transferred from any district to a reserve'; and upon the
recommendation of an Aboriginal Court of a reserve on which the assisted
Aborigine is residing, order the assisted Aborigine to be transferred
from such reserve to another reserve for Aborigines. Similar provisions
in relation to Islanders. Regulations may be made for the preservation,
development, assimilation, integration, education, training and
employment of assisted Aborigines and assisted Islanders; the care of
children of assisted Aborigines or assisted Islanders other than such
children who are in the care, protection or control of the Director of
the State Children Department; and the employment and apprenticeship of
children of assisted Aborigines or Islanders other than such children
who are in the care, protection or control of the Director of the State
Children Department. Repealed by Aborigines Act 1971 & Torres
Strait Islander Act 1971.
Children's Services Act 1965
Replaced the 1911 Act. Established Department of Children's Services.
Missions and government settlements were licensed as institutions. A
child found to be in need of care and protection may be admitted to the
'care and protection' of the director of the department if a court is
satisfied that the child's care and protection cannot be secured by any
other order it could make such as ordering a parent or guardian to enter
into a recognizance or ordering the director to have 'protective
supervision' over the child. The director has guardianship of a child
admitted to his/her care and protection. Similar powers in relation to a
child in 'need of care and control'. Once admitted to the care and
protection of the director the child may be placed, in the best
interests of the child, with the child's parents, a relative or friend,
in an institution licensed under the Act or in a hostel. The director
may grant financial assistance to a family to help care for a child.
Aborigines Act 1971
Abolished status of 'assisted Aborigine'. Established Director of
Aboriginal and Island Affairs. An offence to be on a reserve unless
entitled under the Act to be there. A permit may be revoked by the
Aboriginal council established for that reserve or by the Director.
Regulations may be made with respect to the development, assimilation,
integration, education, training and preservation of Aborigines; the
care of children (being Aborigines) other than those who are in the care
and protection or control of the Director of Children's Services. Repealed
by Community Services (Aborigines) Act 1984.
Adoption of Children (Amendment) Act 1987
Amended the Adoption of Children Act 1965 to provide that the Director
'shall have regard to the indigenous or ethnic background and cultural
background of the child'.
Annual Report of the Northern Protector of Aboriginals
Annual Report of the Chief Protector of Aboriginals
- 1904
(PDF - 2,139 KB)
- 1905
(PDF - 9,882 KB)
- 1906
(PDF - 1,879 KB)
- 1907
(PDF - 1,941 KB)
- 1908
(PDF - 3,864 KB)
- 1909
(PDF - 3,121 KB)
- 1910
(PDF - 5,495 KB)
- 1911
(PDF - 2,952 KB)
- 1912
(PDF - 3,204 KB)
- 1913
(PDF - 2,417 KB)
- 1914
(PDF - 2,461 KB)
- 1915
(PDF - 2,612 KB)
- 1916
(PDF - 1,717 KB)
Reports upon the Operations of certain Sub-Departments of the Home
Secretary's Department - Aboriginals Department - Information contained
in Report for the year ended 31st December
- 1918
(PDF - 1,356 KB)
- 1919
(PDF - 1,583 KB)
- 1920
(PDF - 1,492 KB)
- 1921
(PDF - 1,128 KB)
- 1922
(PDF - 1,133 KB)
- 1923
(PDF - 1,105 KB)
- 1924
(PDF - 1,171 KB)
- 1925
(PDF - 1,121 KB)
- 1926
(PDF - 1,185 KB)
- 1927
(PDF - 2,407 KB)
- 1928
(PDF - 1,619 KB)
- 1929
(PDF - 1,816 KB)
- 1930
(PDF - 1,350 KB)
- 1931
(PDF - 1,799 KB)
- 1932
(PDF - 2,295 KB)
- 1933
(PDF - 1,825 KB)
- 1934
(PDF - 2,657 KB)
- 1935
(PDF - 2,736 KB)
- 1936
(PDF - 2,290 KB)
- 1937
(PDF - 2,097 KB)
- 1939
(PDF - 949 KB)
Native Affairs - Information contained in Reports of Director of
Native Affairs for the Twelve months ended 30th June
- 1940
(PDF - 750 KB)
- 1942
(PDF - 860 KB)
- 1943
(PDF - 754 KB)
- 1944
(PDF - 1,013 KB)
- 1945
(PDF - 516 KB)
- 1946
(PDF - 3,044 KB)
- 1947
(PDF - 2,979 KB)
- 1948
(PDF - 3,106 KB)
- 1949
(PDF - 3,970 KB)
- 1950
(PDF - 4,458 KB)
- 1951
(PDF - 3,755 KB)
- 1952
(PDF - 4,422 KB)
- 1953
(PDF - 4,574 KB)
- 1954
(PDF - 4,641 KB)
- 1955
(PDF - 5,301 KB)
- 1956
(PDF - 5,404 KB)
- 1957
(PDF - 3,619 KB)
- 1958
(PDF - 7,626 KB)
- 1959
(PDF - 7,341 KB)
Commissions, Committees