Main Ngadjonji Photo Archive

Note: this site contains images of aboriginal people now deceased

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Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge

Main Ngadjonji Photo Archive

(**.. webmaster note: More information is out there but much, for no logical reason, is now considered "copyright" or "access denied". 
The Ngadjon should have access. It is their culture.  The vast majority of cultural research, taking into account cultural sensibilities, in an enlightened society, should be open source.
Knowledge is pointless unless it is shared...  Shared knowledge builds bridges of understanding. .. Without understanding reconciliation is no more than a dream. **)
...for artistic works, copyright lasts for the life of the artist plus 70 years, and publication status is irrelevant..
Once copyright expires, there are no longer any copyright-related restrictions on its copying or re-use.
This is sometimes referred to as being in the public domain.

 Source: National Library of Australia ...Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) amendments 2005  

Click to see all the photos in each section of the archive...
Traditional groups

Traditional groups

Early photographs of Ngadjonji and other rainforest aborigines
 without any obvious European influences.
Early contact

Early contact

Photographs showing some of the early adaptations
 of the Ngadjonji to the arrival of the White Man.
Traditional activities

Traditional activities

Photographs showing some of the traditional activities
of the Ngadjonji and other rainforest aborigines.


Photographs showing some of the Missions and Settlements
 to which the Ngadjonji were (usually unwillingly) exiled.
Traditional artefacts

Traditional artefacts

Photographs showing various tools and other artefacts
 traditionally produced and used by the Ngadjonji.


Photographs illustrating some of the ways in which the Ngadjonji
 managed to survive the coming of the white man.