Zebra Stone

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Zebra Stone - how the zebra got it's stripes

Let the rocks tell their story
This is what is known of zebra stone...
Some suggestions for the stripes and "blebs" in Zebra stone ...

how xebra stone got ti's stripes

The Story

Zebra stone is a very strange looking rock and there is lots of controversy regarding it's age and how it was formed.
Zebra stone looks like zebra stripes and stripes with blobs -  a very unusual stone!
This specimen shows the dark hematite (haematite) rich layers as both stripes and regular "blebs"
The quick answer is that we do not know for sure how these patterns were formed so long ago.
 And that is a good thing.
There are still lots of mysteries to solve in geology and the more we look the more mysteries we discover!
There are still lots of exciting things to explore and understand in the world of earth sciences!
To explain the patterns in zebra stone geologists have suggested some interesting and let's face it some pretty wild ideas...

zebra stone

This is what is known of zebra stone...

Some suggestions for the stripes and "blebs" in Zebra stone ...

In short then we do not know for certain what happened.


source: https://www.mindat.org/loc-251210.html
             from the Earth Science Australia collection
             Loughman F.and Roberts F.,1990, Composition and origin of the zebra rock from the East Kimberley region of Western Australia, Australia Journal of Earth Sciences, v37, p201-205